DAUGHTERS is a series of 3 short films centering a character during ordinary but profound moments of realization, connection, belonging, loss.


As Sayah, a young woman seeking a job, struggles with self-doubt, moments of misunderstanding lead her to an inner confidence.


A young girl, Ella, struggles with the distance between her and her mother.


Though Betsabé anticipates the moment she may run into her ex, that moment proves to teach her more than she expected.

DAUGHTERS was awarded a Greenlight Grant by the Iowa Arts Council, a division of the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs.

These stories, while very personal, interrupted me when I was trying to write two other scripts. I was listening to an interview on @iowapublicradio . The author Kevin Brockmeier said,  “We appear into being out of non-being for a short time materially, and then we disappear back into non-being.” He was talking about one of his books and why ghosts fascinate him but it enchanted my imagination, and the first drafts of these scripts came out within the span of 3 weeks, as if they were waiting for that interview to open a door to flood through. Thanks, @npr !

Below: look book pages early pre-production, March 2021

